Job title: Chief Travel Officer / Explorer / Purpose Finder / Future Lover of Sundays
Client: Unthink
Package: $2,500 one off payment + free return flight anywhere in the world + personal coaching
Location: Wherever you want to go in the world
Duration: Up to you
Skills: Restless in their current role, Curious, Risk-taker
The role:
Work getting you down? Teams notifications ringing in your ears? Slack threads out of control?
Do your eyes glaze over in team meetings? Are you only pretending you’ve read that pdf? Sick of speaking to your colleagues more than your family and friends?
If Sundays are sending you into fight or flight thinking about your Monday morning inbox, then you’ve come to the right place.
Getting paid to take a month off work to go travelling (seriously)
Filming a few videos of what you get up to
Resetting and recharging
Finding your purpose
Preparing to Love Sundays Again
That’s about it!
Core skills required:
Prepared to not let your ambitions die
Thinks differently
Takes risks
Be clear that the pain of regret is far worse than the pain of failure
What you need to do to apply:
Follow the link here and fill in our application form.
Applications close at midnight on 30th April. The successful candidate will be chosen by a select panel of inspiring judges.

We believe that we can't go back to normal, normal wasn't working.
In an attempt to make a difference we wanted to provide an addictive learning experience, at a revolutionary price, that leaves a lasting impact. Fuelled by our belief that small actions and passionate people can create a big change. Current learning experiences are typically expensive, outdated and with people from the same backgrounds.
Yet, we wonder why nothing changes?
Being Olympians, Entrepreneurs and Leadership Development experts, we decided we had to create something better. We believe that to be a leader, you don’t have to be the CEO or superstar entrepreneur… All of us are born with unique talents and it’s those that have the courage to share, regardless of obstacles and the fear of the unknown, that become leaders.

Hence we created an alternative.
By providing unexpected speakers who have incredible stories, designing learning bursts and engaging with meaningful charities, we help people truly apply their learning; resulting in a higher quality experience that connects powerful minds and inspires people to be and do better.
Unthink is the platform for curious people to do extraordinary things.